Former Co-Chair of OTN trustees becomes Patron
Revd Dr Alex Clare-Young
WATCH Alex’s intro video [3.5 mins]
“For me, Open Table is all about finding expansive and transformative ways to be the body of Christ in communities of trust and of growth.”
AT OUR AGM on Tuesday 12th March 2024 we thanked one of our Co-Chairs and founding trustees of the Open Table Network [OTN] charity as they stepped down from the role.
Now we are delighted to announce that Revd Dr Alex Clare-Young, theologian, writer, campaigner, and Pioneer Minister in Cambridge, has agreed to become the latest patron of the charity.
As a trans-masculine non-binary person, Alex is passionate about advocating for the inclusion of, and social justice for, trans people. Their books include Transgender. Christian. Human. and Trans Formations: Grounding Theology in Trans and Non-Binary Lives.
In a video message announcing that they are a patron of the Open Table Network, Alex recalled:
I first engaged with Open Table back when I was a teenager searching for safer, braver spaces to be trans and journey with Christ. I attended Open Table Liverpool, where I encountered a faith community meeting around a table in genuine kinship and community. I only attended a few times and yet felt part of the body. That ‘more than welcome’, for me, is at the heart of what Open Table can offer.
In 2020 Kieran Bohan, now Director of OTN, invited Alex to become a founding trustee of the OTN charity to support active Open Table communities and grow new communities.
In 2021, Alex joined fellow trustee Sarah Hobbs as Co-Chair of the board of trustees of the newly formed charity. Alex explained:
The role stretched and formed me, and was a key part of my development into a public queer theologian. I am now a minister, academic and activist, working for change in the church and in the public square.
When Alex’s term as trustee concluded in March 2024, the trustees agreed that it was appropriate to enable a new relationship between Alex and the Network, and OTN Co-Chair Sarah Hobbs invited Alex to become Patron, with the unanimous approval of the OTN trustee board. Alex was ‘surprised and honoured’ to be offered this role. They added:
For me, Open Table is all about finding expansive and transformative ways to be the body of Christ in communities of trust and of growth. As a queer theorist, I’m always keen to point out that LGBTQ+ spaces must never enact a ‘new normal’, yet another fixed, rigid way of being. I believe that the challenge and opportunity for Open Table as it increasingly becomes a nationwide network is to grow in diversity and flexibility, enabling creativity and encouraging change. And I believe that we are up to that challenge. It is one that I will continue to remind the charity of as I support them in this new way.
Alex concludes their video message by sharing how becoming a wheelchair user in recent months has furthered their passion and need for Open Table communities:
Yes, these are communities shaped around the experiences, needs, gifts, and desires of LGBTQ+ folks. And , yet, they become so much more. They are spaces where no person risks unwanted prayer for healing, or a sense of othering when they can’t, or won’t, stand to sing. They are spaces where we are each valued, exactly as we are, not as some institution wishes us to be. They are spaces for each individual to belong, together.
In June 2024, Alex is leading online workshops for Open Table community leaders and volunteers in Shaping inclusive & expansive worship and Facilitating safer, braver communities. If you want to find out more about these training opportunities, please contact us.
We are grateful for Alex’s solidarity, advocacy and ongoing support.
Other OTN patrons include:
Former Methodist Church President Revd Dr Barbara Glasson - WATCH Barbara’s intro video [2.5 mins]
Church In Wales Bishop of Monmouth Right Revd Cherry Vann - WATCH Bishop Cherry’s intro video [2.5 mins]
Church of Scotland minister, hymn writer, broadcaster, and activist Revd John Bell - WATCH John’s intro video [2 mins]
General Secretary of the United Reformed Church Revd Dr John Bradbury - WATCH John’s intro video [2.5 mins]
Former Church of England Bishop of Liverpool Right Revd Paul Bayes - WATCH Bishop Paul’s intro video [2.5 mins]
Anglican priest, poet, writer andbroadcaster Ven Dr Rachel Mann - WATCH Rachel’s intro video [4 mins]