The cover of the report Open Table Network: Research and Case for Support 2021 by Simon Pickering and Civil Society Consulting CIC.
Our impact
How we’re making a difference
The work we do is both national and personal. That seems like a bit of a contradiction - but it really isn’t!
We’re helping to create safe spaces where LGBTQIA+ people can find peace, acceptance and welcome. By gradually spreading round the country, offering help, support and training, we’re changing the lives of individuals who have found no safe church to attend; or who have been cold-shouldered out of their childhood churches.
People who belong to an Open Table community say it improves their mental health, and gives them confidence and hope. Some of their quotes are below - as is a sample of our data.
For a much deeper look at our research, download our Research & Case For Support 2021.
In this report, Open Table community members told us:
56% said being LGBTQIA+ is a barrier to belonging in a faith community.
On average, our members experienced a 40% improvement in well-being after joining an Open Table community
87% feel less isolated and more socially connected after joining an Open Table community.
92% said being part of an Open Table community increased their sense of belonging.
89% said being part of an Open Table community provided a safe space for them.
78% said there is a need for an LGBTQIA+ organisation to bridge the gap between the Christian community and the LGBTQIA+ community.
“In Open Table I have finally found a church that didn’t despise me or my very presence.”
“To have a service which was absolutely guaranteed to be a safe space was a very important thing.”
“Open Table means everything to me, it has truly saved me.”
“It’s just one of the greatest things I think I’ve ever been part of. I’ve loved it. ”
“This is genuine, this is hopeful, if only every church could be like this.”
“These are my people. This is something I belong to. That is amazing.”
“Others have buckled under the weight over years, and suffered lot of abuse, and they found a space in Open Table.”
“About 50% of my direct pastoral work comes from Open Table. I have been really very deeply shocked about how many people have had such dreadfully hurtful experiences.”
“A way to be myself, within the church, and to realise I am not alone.”
“I know a few people who have begun to believe that the church actually might love them after all. You can’t put a price on that.”
“You give a message which is totally different to the ministry of the wider church.”
“We feel very supported.”
“When you come to Open Table and somebody says welcome, they mean welcome.”
“I think if I belong anywhere it’s as part of Open Table.”