Open Table Network

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OTN Coordinator celebrates third fruitful year in full-time role

OTN Coordinator Kieran Bohan introducing the charity's 2022 Annual Report at our national gathering in June 2023.

OCTOBER 1st marks the third anniversary of the Coordinator of the Open Table Network taking on the role full-time.

Thanks to the success of our first major funding bid, Kieran Bohan began a six-month contract on this day in 2020. Further grants, plus one-off and regular donations, have enabled him to extend this until 2025.

During the last 12 months, we:

OTN Coordinator Kieran Bohan said:

“It’s been an extraordinary year - on behalf of the trustees of the Open Table Network, we’re grateful to all our members, volunteers, supporters, donors and funders who have made all this - and more - possible. Thank you!”

IF YOU VALUE the Open Table Network, here’s how you can support us:

A gift from you today could help provide a safe space for an isolated LGBTQIA+ person. Even a fiver - or a fiver a month - would really make a difference. With your support, we can continue to be there for even more LGBTQIA+ people struggling to reconcile their faith with their LGBTQIA+ identities. Together we can work to offer everyone a safe sacred space to belong.