Queerly beloved: Bridging spaces of Christian faith and LGBTQ+ identity through creativity
Peter Jones, PhD researcher
WE ARE INVITED to take part in a research project by Peter Jones, a former member of Open Table Liverpool who is now a PhD Researcher at the University of Leicester.
Peter is also queer and Christian.
Peter writes:
I was really impressed and filled with hope by what I saw from Open Table and since then I have wanted to centre the Open Table Network as a case study in my research. My project focuses on the experiences of LGBTQIA+ Christians and how they negotiate their own identities and sacred spaces, particularly through creativity and creative methods.
The aims of this research are to ask:
What role do creative activities and practices have in promoting community and belonging for LGBTQIA+ Christians?
How are Open Table communities engaged with and experienced by LGBTQIA+ members and how does this influence their sense of identity?
How do individuals engage with their everyday senses of identity, both in terms of their faith and sexuality/gender and what practices are involved in this?
What are the unique perspectives that LGBTQIA+ Christian experience can give to academic debates and ongoing discussions surrounding both sexuality and faith?
There are three stages to this research:
Peter plans to attend as many Open Table communities as possible online in the coming months, and observe the practices that currently happen in these meetings.
Peter will then invite people to participate in one-to-one interviews and/or focus groups.
Individuals who decide they would like to participate in the creative aspect of the research will be invited to keep a diary of their practices, thoughts and experiences surrounding sexuality and faith, using whatever creative methods they like during this process.