Open Table Network

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God’s new world of justice and joy - OUT @ Greenbelt Communion reflection

OTN Co-Chair Alex Clare-Young playing the harp at the OUT @ Greenbelt communion service.

GREENBELT, the Christian festival of arts, faith and justice held annually in England since 1974, took place again last weekend. Greenbelt is proud to be an LGBTQ+ affirming space, and OUT @ Greenbelt is the volunteer team who help the LGBTQ+ community and our allies get the most out of the festival.

As part of this year’s OUT programme, OTN Co-Chair Alex Clare-Young led an LGBTQ+-affirming communion service on Saturday evening. Here is their reflection on the readings: Matthew 10:7, 11-14, 40-42.

This part of the Gospel story asks so many good questions of us, that have never seemed more relevant to life for LGBTQ+ folks. 

What does it look like for LGBTQ+ and allied disciples to proclaim God’s new world of justice and joy here and now?

Whose house’s does Christ call worthy?

What would a cup of cool water taste like for LGBTQ+ folks in the UK today?

The beginnings of answers well up from deep within me. 

Jesus calls us to proclaim that God’s new world has come near. What does it look like for LGBTQ+ people and allied disciples to proclaim God’s new world of justice and joy here and now?

For LGBTQ+ and allied disciples to proclaim God’s new world of justice and joy here and now looks like a rebellion. It is time to show the church and the world that we are queerly and wonderfully made and that God loves us infinitely, just as we are. Our complicated fleshy bodies, our beautiful fierce love, our messy lives full of joy and sorrow are the created and recreated intention of God and justice is coming. Let’s speak those truths.

Jesus calls us to bring peace upon houses that are worthy and to let our peace return to us when they are not, when we are not welcomed or heard. 

 Whose house’s does Christ call worthy?

 Christ calls this tent worthy. Why? Because it is a tent that is open to, and full of, God’s LGBTQ+ beloved. Let’s build more safe and open houses for our chosen families and for all those who are yet to find the safety to live out their truths. The houses - those churches - that throw us out, or do not even let us in… they aren’t worthy. Let’s shake off the dust from our feet and get building.

 Jesus blesses whoever gives even a cup of cool water to one of the marginalised. What would a cup of cool water taste like for LGBTQ+ folks in the UK today?

 For me, a day where I could simply live, without encountering any transphobia, where LGBTQ+ iblings could live authentically without battered by words or actions, would be as refreshing as a cup of cool water.

I wonder what would taste good to you today?

I wonder what would enable you to grow ever more into your authentic self?

I wonder what it is time to demand from the places of spiritual nurture where you seek love and welcome?